Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seeing Truth: A Footnote on Worship

Footnote: Have you ever wondered why God demands that we praise him? For years, this really bothered me. “If God is so great, why does he need to have his self-esteem pumped up by someone like me?” I really had problems with songs or passages in the Bible that talk about “magnifying” God. “If he is so great, why does he need the hype?”

The image I had in mind was of a microscope, something that makes things look bigger than they really are. Then, I heard about a researcher who used the Hubbell telescope to find something so big that it would take 400 million years for light to travel from one end of it to the other.

God demands that we worship him because he is great and we need to know that. In times of crisis, we need to know that there is a mighty God who orders the affairs of men. We’re not alone. We’re not without hope. God demands that we worship him because we need to know the truth that is made clear in worship.

Those who took their lives when the world economy melted down needed to know the truth that is etched into our hearts in worship: We are not alone. We live every moment in the presence of one who is unimaginably great.

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